Friday, 1 July 2011

That's not cricket! Green council shows it means to be firm as well as fair with unauthorised Traveller camps

1 July 2011. On Tuesday 29 June, council officers and police removed two groups of Travellers who had recently camped in parks in Brighton and Hove.

Councillor Pete West, Cabinet Member for Environment and Sustainability, said: "Our aim is to ensure Gypsies and Travellers are treated with the same respect and consideration as any other community."

"By the same token, we expect all communities nomadic or otherwise to respect our parks and open spaces and to treat other people with respect and dignity and not to engage in anti-social behaviour," Cllr West added.

The two Traveller groups had recently set up unauthorised encampments in Greenleas Park in Hangleton and Horsdean Recreation Ground in Patcham.

A group of Irish Travellers had moved nine trailers into Greenleas Park on Saturday. Following a visit from council and police officers on Monday, the Council made a request to Sussex Police to use their powers under the Criminal Justice Act to direct them to Horsdean Traveller Transit Site where enough space is available to accommodate the six families.

A similar request was made to evict a second group of Irish travellers from the frequently used cricket pitch at Horsdean Recreational Ground, Patcham.

A council spokesperson said: "This group of Travellers had damaged the two wickets, putting the three matches planned for this week in jeopardy."

Councillor Pete West said: "We will continue to take a firm but fair approach to travellers arriving in the city and this includes taking swift action when they park in unsuitable locations or engage in anti-social manner. We will always use our legal powers and resources to tackle unacceptable behaviour in an appropriate and proportionate way."

The council is also applying for a possession order to move Travellers from Ladies Mile Open Space. Following visits from the Traveller liaison team and the Traveller education service, and completion of welfare checks, the council has decided to seek an Order for Possession of this land.  The hearing will take place on 1 July 2011.

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